Monetise your display screens

AdSeenit is an online platform that enables anyone to monetise their digital Out of Home displays anywhere, anytime by showing the sponsored messages and media they choose, blended with their own content.

digital advertising display types
Connect digital display to AdSeenit with barcode scan

1) Connect your display

If you have a display in public view you can generate revenue from showing sponsored messages or media. Even part of the display, part of the time will be worthwhile. First, sign up with AdSeenit without cost or obligation. Then with an internet connection and web browser it takes just a few minutes to connect your display. No problem if your display is controlled via your own or third party content management system as AdSeenit can be embedded in most.

2) Set your criteria and availability

Use our easy set-up wizard to pinpoint the location. Also tell us about the setting of your display and the kind of people who will see it at different times and what kind of content you are okay to show. The wider you set your parameters the more you will be able to earn. Then just set the availability of your display (in 15 minute blocks) from 0 to 6 ‘slots’ per minute. With AdSeenit it’s easy to mix sponsored content with your own messages.

OOH Campaign criteria setup wizard
collect revenue from advertising

3) Collect your revenue

That’s it! When advertisers specify criteria met by yours and its availability, displays will automatically pull-down and display their content. Each time this happens you will earn valuable income. Just sit back and wait for revenue to roll in to your AdSeenit account. We provide [self] invoices and statements for your accounts and you can withdraw your funds when or as frequently as you like. AdSeenit deducts a small commission fee for each display actually shown. You only pay this for the revenue you actually earn.

Connect digital display to AdSeenit with barcode scan

1) Connect your display

If you have a display in public view you can generate revenue from showing sponsored messages or media. Even part of the display, part of the time will be worthwhile. First, sign up with AdSeenit without cost or obligation. Then with an internet connection and web browser it takes just a few minutes to connect your display. No problem if your display is controlled via your own or third party content management system as AdSeenit can be embedded in most.

OOH Campaign criteria setup wizard

2) Set your criteria and availability

Use our easy set-up wizard to pinpoint the location. Also tell us about the setting of your display and the kind of people who will see it at different times and what kind of content you are okay to show. The wider you set your parameters the more you will be able to earn. Then just set the availability of your display (in 15 minute blocks) from 0 to 6 ‘slots’ per minute. With AdSeenit it’s easy to mix sponsored content with your own messages.

collect revenue from advertising

3) Collect your revenue

That’s it! When advertisers specify criteria met by yours and its availability, displays will automatically pull-down and display their content. Each time this happens you will earn valuable income. Just sit back and wait for revenue to roll in to your AdSeenit account. We provide [self] invoices and statements for your accounts and you can withdraw your funds when or as frequently as you like. AdSeenit deducts a small commission fee for each display actually shown. You only pay this for the revenue you actually earn.

Monetise any kind of digital display...

AdSeenit powers Out of Home advertising on any digital display, anywhere, provided it can be connected to the internet (either direct through its own web browser or via a connected media player with its own operating system). This could range from the smallest Android tablet ‘kiosk’ through LED/LCD wall-mounted screens up to commercial grade indoor or outdoor displays.

Digital display types

How Does it work?

Because media buying on AdSeenit is programmatic, Advertisers don’t choose specific displays or even locations. The system lets them choose the type of audience they want to reach (age, social profile etc.), the setting they want to reach them in, the size of the display and then group these in geographic ‘packages’.

AdSeenit then matches their campaign packages to available time on owners’ displays and, provided the content corresponds with owners’ criteria for content, the images or video is shown. Owners are then paid out automatically!

Display time is sold in 10 second ‘slots’. The price depends on the size of the display and the number of views or impressions each slot is likely to receive. These are banded depending how busy the location is. At the current time slot prices are fixed to be competitive but we plan to enable owners to fix their own slot price in future, supported by state of the art verification tools.

In any setting..

We help anyone generate revenue from all types, sizes or formats of digital display space in any setting:

With content relevant to you!

If you are a Display Owner AdSeenit enables you to sell your display space by connecting to the platform and showing paid content relevant to advertisers’ target audiences. It’s also vital that you keep control over what is shown on your display.

If the display is at your own business premises you will probably want to filter out adverts from competitors or for alternatives to your own products and services and there may be other categories of product, service or causes you don’t want to promote. No problem – AdSeenit gives you control over what commercial content can be displayed and when. The wider you can set your parameters the more you will be able to earn and there may even be advertisements that complement your business – like promoting shows and events in a hair salon (so customers get ideas and spend more getting their hair done) or insurance services in a bike shop.

hair wax tub
Digital advert for hair product in hairdresser

Is AdSeenit for you?

Display Owner

Promoters of goods, services, events and causes want to reach their audience while they are looking at your display and you can benefit from this. AdSeenit makes it possible. We refer to an Owner as anyone with display space suitable to generate a revenue stream. Landowners, media owners, landlords, tenants , public sector, third sector, business owners, large and small, event organisers, even owners of mobile displays and trucksides. Run your digital display through external software? No problem, AdSeenit integrates seamlessly with many proprietary CMS packages and media players…

Now, more than ever, display Owners can benefit by responding to changing patterns of visitor numbers and passers-by, on foot, by bike, scooter, car or public transport. AdSeenit provides the capability, not only to take advantage of new opportunities to display but to flex the price and sell existing display space differently. When trade is brisk, queues build and visitor dwell time increases – that’s when advertisers will pay more for your screen time!

Co Owner

We refer to a Co Owner as anyone who shares revenue with a display owner. Most often this is because they have invested in display hardware or infrastructure and agreed with the site owner that they will be repaid through a share of revenues. This might also be because they have a media owner agreement or lease.

If you are already a media owner you should seriously consider improving your revenues by listing your DOOH displays on AdSeenit – give it a try for your harder-to-shift time slots. If you would like to co-invest in a display or find a co-investor, AdSeenit can help connect you. The ROI can be very attractive.

digital screen-types

Got space but no display?

If you have space but no display, AdSeenit can help. We don't sell or rent displays or content management software but can recommend and connect you with approved suppliers and installers who can provide all types of digital displays. We can also introduce you to investors who can help fund your hardware installation as co-owners if you can’t or don’t wish to commit the capital investment.

Tools to manage your digital displays

Start making revenue! Click on a tool to find out more:

Monetise your display space

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